Rangers Essentials
Rangers Ministry Academy
Ranger Essentials
Ranger Essentials Registration Form 2025
“Ranger Essentials is a one-day fun, interactive-style training event. You will learn how to connect with today’s boys, along with recognizing ministry needs and outreach opportunities. You will discover how to give life-changing devotions and how to mentor boys and young men into spiritual leaders.” (royalrangers.com/training/content). Ranger Essentials is one of the requirements needed to earn the “Ready” Outpost Leader Advancement Level.
We will also provide an overview of the following:
- Further training opportunities in Royal Rangers
- District and Sectional Events
- PennDel Royal Ranger Camp
- Every Boy Initiative and Chartering
- Traclub and other resources
- District Outreach Initiative to help grow your OP and reach your community
Recommended Pre-requisites (online interactive courses available at: https://nationalroyalrangers.eleapcourses.com/ )
- Ranger Safety
- Ranger Foundations
Cost: Pastors are FREE!
$20 if prepaid & postmarked by the first week in April
Lunch is included in registration.
Recommended materials to bring:
Leaders manual with binder (My Healthy Church # 022170)
Uniform: Utility or Special
*We may not have materials for walk-in trainees – pre-registration is strongly encouraged.