PennDel Royal Rangers

The mark of an effective district is not how many boys you have, but how many boys who live differently as a result of being a part of it.

Our Vision

Disciple more boys; Inspire more leaders

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Exciting things are happening with PennDel Royal Rangers! To stay up to date with what's happening around the District, take a look at our event calendar or follow us on Facebook!
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And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

Luke 2:52

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Rangers Kids

Grades K-2

Rangers Kids offers every boy from Kindergarten through Second Grade adventure and fun!

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Discovery Rangers

Grades 3-5

Discovery Rangers gives boys many chances to learn new skills like camping, building models, giving first aid and cooking while learning about God and His Word.

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Adventure Rangers

Grades 6-8

Adventure Rangers challenges a young man to build his character, increase his determination to achieve and improve his ability to set goals and fulfill them.

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Expedition Rangers

Grades 9-12

Expedition Rangers equips young men with the skills to make sound decisions, strong moral character, leadership skills and a foundation in the Word of God.

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