Junior Training Camp

The First Junior Leader Training Camp Of the PennDel Network Royal Rangers’ Junior Leadership Development Academy

Who is this camp for?

Adventure & Expedition Ranger boys who have completed the 6th grade by June 30th before the camp dates, but have not yet turned 18 years old.

What does this camp teach?

JTC is a district training event for boys in the 7th grade or above. JTC focuses on leadership development in the local patrol and group. JTC is a required event for the Trial of the Saber Award. JTC will help boys discover answers to these questions:

  • What are my God-given (natural) talents and strengths and how am I developing them?
  • Do I have what it takes to be a godly man?
  • What is God's plan for my life?

See the calendar post in the sidebar or under events for more details

  Advanced Junior Training Camp

The Second Junior Leader Training Camp Of the PennDel Network Royal Rangers’ Junior Leadership Development Academy

Who is this camp for?

Adventure & Expedition Ranger boys who have completed the 7th grade by June 30th before the camp dates but have not yet turned 18 years old. They must also have graduated from the JTC.

What does this camp teach?

AJTC focuses on leadership development by serving in group and church leadership roles for young men. AJTC is a required event for the Trail of the Saber Award. AJTC will help boys discover answers to these questions:

  • Am I following God's plan for my life today?
  • How am I developing my godly character?
  • How am I helping (serving) others?

See the calendar post in the sidebar or under events for more details

 Junior Academy

The Junior Leader Staff Training Camp Of the PennDel Network Royal Rangers’ Junior Leadership Development Academy

Who is this camp for?

Boys who have completed JTC, AJTC, and an Action Camp who have also started high school (Grades 9 – 12). Men who wish to serve as staff at a JLDA camp.  Adult Men must complete the child worker’s clearance form.

What does this camp teach?

Boys and men will learn what is required to be on staff for a Jr. Camp.  This includes what is necessary for pre-camp preparation and set-up, basic instructional techniques, Royal Ranger teaching methods, spiritual leadership, what the qualifications are for various roles in the camp.  There is a practical hand-on portion to the teaching, and various leadership roles such as patrol advisors and Sr. Patrol Leaders.

See the calendar post in the sidebar or under events for more details

   Ranger Merit Camp

The Discovery Ranger Merit Camp Of the PennDel Network Royal Rangers’ Junior Leadership Development Academy

Who is this camp for?

Discovery Ranger boys who have completed the 4th grade by June 30th before the camp dates but have not yet graduated from 6th grade.

What does this camp teach?

This camp is for boys not yet ready for the RTC, who wish to earn skill merits, or who previously completed the RTC but are not yet old enough to attend the JTC.  Boys will have the opportunity to earn 4-5 Discovery Rangers level merits in a fun filled environment.  There will also be plenty of fun filled activities during the 4 day camp.

See the calendar post in the sidebar or under events for more details

   Ranger Training Camp

The Discovery Ranger Junior Leader Training Camp Of the PennDel Network Royal Rangers’ Junior Leadership Development Academy

Who is this camp for?

Discovery Ranger boys who have completed the 5th grade by June 30th before the camp dates but have not yet graduated from 6th grade.

What does this camp teach?

Boys will be introduced to their roles within their patrol and to group leadership.

A camp graduate should be capable of serving as a junior leader in a boy-led, adult-facilitated outpost. He should have asked himself at some point during the camp each of these questions:

  • What is my role in my patrol and group?
  • What are my God-given (natural) talents and strengths?
  • How do I add value to my patrol & group?
  • What responsibilities can I undertake to help my patrol & group?

See the calendar post in the sidebar or under events for more details

Junior Leadership Development Academy

The Junior Leadership Development Academy (JLDA) is designed to assist a boy in his leadership journey. It consists of several events that are held annually that will give boys fun-filled, intentional leadership training, along with powerful spiritual development opportunities. This training experience is designed to be a catalyst and springboard of spiritual encouragement. The following list are the camps being offered through the PennDel Junior Leadership Development Academy:

JLDA Applications on Brushfire

General registration for 2025 JLDA camps is now open

Saber Application

2025 Saber Application

    Where and When

    PennDel Network Royal Rangers holds these camps at Camp Berry in Honey Grove, PA (unless otherwise noted)

    See the calendar below for upcoming training opportunities.

    JLDA Calendar

    July 2025
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