January – March 2022 Update

 January, February and March saw some winter camps, Pinecarand Lego Derbys, District BB Gun Competition, GMA services and construction activity just started back up at camp.  We started wrapping up the inside bearing wall, all wood for top plates and purlins has been delivered to camp, the retaining wall now has 3 courses across the whole wall and is ready for the grid that ties it back into the bank and the electrical pipes were put in for running electric to the septic system.  Almost 1-1/2 tons of 24” wide insulation were picked up free for insulating the attic, a saving of about $5-6,000.  

We brought the commercial refrigerator in the General Store at camp back to Steve’s garage and Frank Broome, an expert refrigeration technician checked for leaks, and recharged it.  We will test again in a month and then bring it back to camp.