January, February and March saw some winter camps, Pinecarand Lego Derbys, District BB Gun Competition, GMA services and construction activity just started back up at camp. We started wrapping up the inside bearing wall, all wood for top plates and purlins has been delivered to camp, the retaining wall now has 3 courses across the whole wall and is ready for the grid that ties it back into the bank and the electrical pipes were put in for running electric to the septic system. Almost 1-1/2 tons of 24” wide insulation were picked up free for insulating the attic, a saving of about $5-6,000.
Dec 31, 2021 –Rich Morrow and George Pentz working on the inside bearing wall. Steve Steffel cutting block for top row and working to supply mud and block. 5 Courses got done.We brought the commercial refrigerator in the General Store at camp back to Steve’s garage and Frank Broome, an expert refrigeration technician checked for leaks, and recharged it. We will test again in a month and then bring it back to camp.February –Wood for top plate and purlins. 2x8x16s were going for over $30 each and we got them for $17 –82 total –about 1-1/2 tons –Steve and Sally Steffel brought them up in 2 loads on the trailer and the tractor was handy to unload them (and had to pull the Steffel’sCRV + trailer out of the mud).Left: Getting set up for the Lego Derby Race –Praise Assembly, Newark, DE. Lots of other fun things for the kids to do and a number of churches came. Many Sections and Outposts have activities like Pinecaror Lego Derby and Winter Day events in the Jan-Mar time frame. Right: Making Bird Houses at a Lego Derby, Praise Assembly, Newark, DEThe BB Gun Competition –March 5th Rowland Troutman giving instructions, the shooting range, the written test room and Ron Seilhammer and others in the scoring room.Led by Rich Morrow, George Pentz, and Steve Steffel have been completing the inside bearing wall –just a couple more courses to go and then the wood plates can be added.March 26th workday – in the morning, George Pentz sharpened the blades on the mower, checked out the tractor and got things ready to start mowing. Greg Scott and Steve Steffel worked on the retaining wall first course in the morning and Jeremy Shuey put two electrical pipes in for electric to the septic. In the afternoon, Greg and Jeremy marked out the property perimeter with purple paint (to let hunters know not to trespass) and George Pentz and Steve put the final two courses on the retaining wall.Retaining wall now has 3 courses across its entire length and is ready for grid that goes back into the hill. It was a cold day, but the sun was out most of the time and few snow squalls came and went. Just glad to have all 3 courses finished and drainage system in for the wall.March 28th–The shower house requires R-40 ceiling insulation. We were able to get 2,900 lbsof 24”wide insulation for free from a company that uses insultation in their product and has scrap left over. To buy R-40 for the ceiling would be about $5-6,000. It calculates out to need about 2,100 #s so we should have enough. The trailer is loaded and parked in Steve’s garage –ready to head to camp after a tire change. March 31st (Actually April 1st, but that is April foolsday) –Rich Morrow, George Pentz and Steve Steffel finish the bearing wall and seal up some wall sections under the windows and add insulation to the walls. Bond beam going in tothe right.Left: Where we left off at the end of 2021 Right: Inside bearing wall finished, 1-1/2 tons of wood under tarp for top plate and purlins. Truss and roof to go on – April 29, 30. Please let Steve Steffel know if you will be there –come stay overnight at the Farmhouse.