PDF Version of the January-March 2023 Update
January 1-2 – Farmhouse Kitchen gutted.
January 6-7 – Walls & ceiling are primed and painted.
January 13-15 – Kitchen – New Floor, stainless prep tables and shelves
January 27-28 – Build interior walls of shower house, get trim work started and continue Kitchen remodel.
Feb 4 – Newville Assembly has ATV and Winter Fun plus work.
Feb 11-24 – Workday: New mowing equipment, block and trim work on shower house and work on the front entrance wall
Feb 25 – Outreach by helping Calvary AG, Wyncote, PA have a Lego Derby
Mar 1 – Work on entrance wall
Mar 9-11 – LEAD Conference in Tulsa, OK
Mar 17 – Work on Shower House and Entrance wall, deliver wood and other materials for shower house.
Mar 21 – Work on Entrance Wall
Mar 30 – Work on Entrance Wall, deliver toilet stall partitions.
January 1-2 – Farmhouse Kitchen Gutted
Farmhouse Kitchen cleaned out Dec 30, 2022 – -getting ready for a new year!
January 2nd I met with John Kennedy, the new Church Mobilization (RV MAPS) Field Representative. He is
going to help us get moving on our projects!
The kitchen had a bad odor and there were access holes needing to be plugged up, mice nests under cabinets, snake skins, etc and in the windows some large wasp nests.

January 6-7 – Walls & ceiling primed & painted
Dec 6 – added Kilz and another coat of white paint. Ripped up the old floor as it was cupping in places. Dec 13 – dug out a 3-compartment sink stored in the barn basement, cleaned it and also got one of the worst offenders for smell – the grease pan from the grill. Burned all the old cabinets and cardboard from new stainless equipment.
Mike Ardeno and Ralph were here and got the floor prepared, and new flooring down. We have cove base along the whole outside plus all holes plugged. The new floor is 30-year commercial warranty vinyl plank put down with adhesive. Prep tables and all shelves are stainless and can be cleaned under.

January 13-15 – Kitchen – New Floor, stainless prep tables and shelves
This is getting closer to completion – – still some screws, adjustments and then all the items put back, but in plastic bins to keep everything sanitary. The stainless will also ensure we have a more sanitary kitchen. The sink will probably be hooked up in February. Stoves and refrigerator are operational, internet was carefully moved and put back without interrupting it.
On the 27th evening, Steve and Jadon worked on finalizing shelf attachment (about 30 holes in stainless steel), and moving some things back. Eventually the goal will be good organization and most items in plastic bins. Several final things to be done including hooking up the commercial sink.

January 27-28 – Build interior walls of shower house, get trim work started and continue Kitchen remodel.
Jan 27th, Rich Morrow, George Pentz and Steve Steffel get the wall up part way. Jan 28th, Rich Morrow, Brent Heller, George Pentz, Trent Wickard and JJ Wickard get the wall up to the top except for lintels.

Feb 4 – Newville Assembly has ATV and Winter Fun plus work
Newville Assembly didn’t let cold weather stop them – – they enjoyed ATVs and other activities at the camp Feb 4th weekend. They had 26 boys, 6 leaders and 2 moms visited during the day.

Special thanks to a number of talented men from Newville Assembly for connecting both the faucet and drains for this 3-compartment stainless steel sink – – a nice addition to the kitchen. (It was sitting in the barn basement for many years).
Feb 11-24 – Workday: New mowing equipment, block and trim work on shower house and work on the front entrance wall
Feb 11 Work Day – Phil, Brent and Wyatt Heller, Joe Brockmeyer, George Pentz and Jeremy Shuey work on another interior wall that separates 2 bathrooms. The main hallway is completed (Below with entrances to the 4 main bathrooms).

Feb 11 – Andy Baker expertly moved 7 Arbor Vitae trees and then worked with Ron Adelesic to dig the footer locations for the decorative entrance wall for the camp. It will also allow vehicles to pull in before opening the gate.

Feb14 – Ron Adlesic, George Pentz and Steve Steffel worked on the new entrance wall. The footers were poured for the entrance wall and we had extra concrete – -so used some for entrance to the new shed and expanded the entrance to the pole barn.

Feb 14 – Using left over block, the underground piers have been started. Had to pump out a little water but all footers went in successfully. The Royal Ranger and PennDel Royal Ranger logo will go on the curved part on each side of the entrance wall. It appears that we have just the correct amount of left over block (that we can’t use inside the shower house) to do the below grade block work for the wall.

Feb 20, 2023 Scott Parthmore picks up the 15’ batwing finish mower in Butner, NC that we won at auction.

Feb 23, 2023 – Rowland Troutman, Damon Troutman and Caleb are finishing up the trim on the shower house. Ron Adlesic and Steve work on the underground work for the decorative brick entrance wall, almost a shame to cover it up. We used leftover split-face block from the shower house. LanPro (Guy Jacobs our salesman) delivered the new 72” diesel zero turn, a ~30-year machine and in the evening, Scott Parthmore who had picked up the 15’ batwing finish mower in NC brought it up to camp.

Feb 24th – Jess, Ian, Isaac, George and Rich completed a lot more of the interior block work. This is their second time – a really great team.

Feb 25 – Outreach by helping Calvary AG, Wyncote, PA have a Lego Derby
Feb 26, 2023 Jonathan Paredes encouraged Pastor Christine of Calvary Assembly of God, Wyncote, PA to have a Lego Derby for their boys and girls. Fred Moyer also worked to make it a success.

Mar 1 – Work on entrance wall
Work continues on the entrance wall – Ron Adlesic, George Pentz and Steve Steffel get the underground competed.

Mar 9-11 – LEAD Conference in Tulsa, OK
LEAD Conference, Tulsa, OK March 9-11 Paul Sheaffer, Darryl Eberly, Chris Vincent, Kenny Carfagno and Steve Steffel attended from PennDel District. Paul Sheaffer was elected to the Executive Council. About 300 leaders in attendance, “Every Boy Initiative” kicked off.

Mar 17 – Work on Shower House and Entrance wall, deliver wood and other materials for shower house
March 17 – Rich Morrow, George Pentz, Jess, Isaac and when it started raining, Ron Adlesic came to help finish the inside wall.
1,800+ block is delivered to finish up the shower house, Ron Adlesic and Steve unload a trailer load of wood, decorative rails for the entrance wall, and other items, put 100 bags of masonry cement inside the shower house, and continue work on the decorative entrance wall. What is showing is the core for columns and brick will go outside with white plastic rails between them.

March 21st – Ron Adlesic and Steve Steffel working on entrance wall. Larger column has the eye for the entrance cable that will go across driveway. Pillars of “coppertone” textered brick and curved wall will be 12” brick used in commercial buildings. Slots will be cut to put white plastic rails between columns.

Mar 30 — Four Pillars done, 11 more to go. Ron Adlesic and Steve getting good exercise and using up 5,000 bricks donated to camp. The trailer had a load of toilet stall partitions for the new showerhouse.